Division IIT Kanpur is associated with the various automation
activities in different sections in the Institute since 1994.
Office Automation Group is providing services to different
IT-enabled units of the institute including Dean of academic,
Student, Accounts, Stores, Dean R&D , Health Center,
Visitor's Hostel, Registrar's office and other administrative
offices. We have a team of personnel dedicated for analysis,
design, development and implementation of software and the
user trainings according to needs IITK community.
About Office Automation
Automation Division IIT Kanpur is associated with the various automation activities in different sections in the Institute since 1994. Office Automation Group is providing services to different IT-enabled units of the institute including Dean of academic, Student, Accounts, Stores, Dean R&D , Health Center, Visitor's Hostel, Registrar's office and other administrative offices. We have a team of personnel dedicated for analysis, design, development and implementation of software and the user trainings according to needs IITK community. It also involves server maintenance, database administration and maintenance of the software.
The Office Automation portal (OA Portal) is window which gives access to information about different applications and databases managed by Office Automation. A member of the institute community should be able to connect anytime, from anywhere in the campus to the IITK Portal to avail services. This service can be accessed by all the faculties, staffs and students by logging to the OA portal using their CC login and passwords. The system checks the validity of their logins and allows to access for selected information based on their roles and authorization.
which he has authorization.
Web Services
Accounts and Finance
Dean of Academic
Dean of Student
Dean Research and Development
Stores and Purchase
Health Centre & Visitor's Hostel
Web Services
The details about the different services running in various department and sections inside the Institute as follows :